I'm dreaming...
Main Entry: suc·cumb
Function: intransitive verb
Etymology: French & Latin; French succomber, from Latin succumbere, from sub- + -cumbere to lie down; akin to Latin cubare to lie
Date: 1604
1 : to yield to superior strength or force or overpowering appeal or desire
2 : to be brought to an end (as death) by the effect of destructive or disruptive forces
I haven't. Yet. Shhh.socks don't count. I am thinking of this Isn't it gorgeous? Romi, was that you who showed this to me? I adore it. I will be making it in this.
It is color Splendor and I love how bright it is. I am sure I will look jaundiced, but hey, who cares? And besides, I usually work in flourescent lighting, so who the hell is going to notice anyway? :0) Recently, Brigitte asked me about needles I use for Kidsilk Haze. I love the old nylon needles...you remember? The ones you inherited from your grandmother? The ones at every garage sale between here and Zimbabwe? Yeah, those. They have become a hot commodity these days, so if you see them at that garage sale, snap them up. Push down that lady in the corner looking at them and run like hell. They'll chase you for them. I'm tellin' ya, they're hot. Or....did they just chase me because I pushed that little lady down.................I dunno. Try them. That's all I'm sayin'.
Voila! A couple more rows.
At this rate they certainly won't be Christmas presents. It sure is a fun knit, however. The crossed stitches are divine and I think the way that Eunny designed the increases to make the pattern flow out of the ribbing is very clever. All is right with my world when the ribbing matches the design. I don't ask for much. Also, Janet asked about yarn. This is Opal, and it is on the thinner side of sock yarns. I am using 2mm needles, so I needed it. I am a TIGHT knitter. Comes with the personality type........I am not saying it. You can THINK it, just don't say it out loud. Hey, people, I am an OBOIST. What kind of personality do you think I have? ;0) Rhetoricaal question there.