Wednesday, November 22, 2006

A day late and a dollar short

Or more. Here are a couple of pics I promised. Rheingold Sleeve #2.

sleeve #2

Season of Darkness and Winter Light Sleeve #2.

Sleeve #2

And here is the heel flap on the Latvian Sock. Isn't that pretty how it works out so symmetrically on the back? This color is a little better than the last shot, but still not right. Think pumpkin pie.

Latvian sock heel flap

And Brigitte, here is the shot for you. Probably not what you were expecting, but I thought it would be funny for you to see it.

high school pics


Blogger Marina said...

That was a bit of a let down! Something's wrong when I find stash enhancement more exciting than Matthew McConaughey?! I still can't decide whether he's cute or not.

Not much more to go before we have a finished FI/stranded object, eh? Race you! By December 1st, I'll have two finished objects and you have one, OK?

22/11/06 16:19  
Blogger Romi said...

Wow. Just wow. Your fair isle is *stunning*!

22/11/06 21:45  
Blogger Brigitte said...

Hee hee, still better than who I ended up going to school! Where's your picture?!!

I love how your FI's are looking? So, how many arms is that for Rheingold? She must be done soon... And I LOVE your Latvian socks. Why can't my socks turn out that way?!!

23/11/06 13:39  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

please take the picture of my boyfreind off your knittin site.

oh yaaaah, and I found this for you.

24/11/06 14:00  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They're looking good! The knits. Especially SoD&WL. I really have to make one of those sweaters.

Matthew? Not so much in that pic.

24/11/06 17:17  
Blogger Carrie said...

OMG, beautiful knitting! I am totally inspired to cast one of those complex sweaters after the holidays...

26/11/06 08:17  
Blogger vanessa said...

i love love love your fair isle :-)
you can come over and have dinner at my house any time! and the dragonfly holder is just an aluminum paper towel holder (the yarn is wound around a tres chic toilet paper roll).

1/12/06 09:28  

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