Tuesday, January 16, 2007

In panic mode.....

Why is it that making these takes years off of my life? Surely the fact that I am such a procrastinator has nothing to do with it.....and not much to do this past Sunday..and Monday except a little teaching. Damn procrastination. Damn these pieces! Have you heard Rachmaninow's (yes I know it isn't the Americanized spelling) Symphonie in e minor? The third movement is just glorious...the rest of the piece is brutal. I am going to die tonight. Of my own accord or having a baton stuck in my eye? Which, I am not sure of yet.

A drawer full of sharpening stones, ceramic sticks.....knives......I WANTED to play flute. That was my first choice. Damn band director. I was tricked into the oboe, you see. "Well...only smart kids can play oboe" he said. I fell for it...proving, of course, that I WASN'T!!! Apparently, I am still not. ;0) Gotta go practice.......


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I remember my brother making oboe reeds when he was in middle school/high school....he actually sliced through a tendon in his hand once (ouch!).

Anyway, hope your performance goes wonderfully!

16/1/07 17:06  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, is that what that drawer full of medieval instruments is for? Oboe reeds? You'll be fabulous. Relax.

Zephyr, eh? Pretty! Pretty ice storm too.

16/1/07 17:16  
Blogger Brigitte said...

Oh, you'll do beautifully! And I know the Rachmaninov piece, it's wonderful.


17/1/07 05:15  

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