Monday, January 15, 2007

Ice, ice, baby????

What a lame ass ice storm! We had all gotten ready for an evening of freezing rain, slick streets....and whatever else Mother Nature could throw at us......this morning I crawled out of bed to the coffee pot and to the that see what she had left. Nada. Oh, sure, the newscasters made it look horrendous. It's their job. And they almost had me for awhile until the coffee began to work it's magic. I don't see clearly until at least my second cup. And I suppose it may have been worse before noon........

Thanks for the comments and emails, you guys! It WAS a fun show. And now I am sure that everyone else on the planet already knows of them...or at least all of you freaks do. ;0) I think this next weekend will be a great concert as well. We have a conducting symposium on Sunday after the concert and we will be playing some wonderful chamber music there. Dvorak Wind Serenade. It's one of my favorite pieces to play. Anyone know it? It has fantastic oboe parts. Then later in the month we are playing Pictures at an Exhibition and Peter and the Wolf for a family concert.

Hey, Carrie! It's Zephyr. I got the Peacock color, of course, and I also snagged some sage. They are both gorgeous and I think I will enjoy working with them....when I get around to it. And there was some more Kidsilk that I failed to admit to. Pink. Just wanna come clean here.

Tigers....c'mon...chocolate? What are you thinking??? There are things to give up and there are things...well, look, chocolate is just not an option. I know what the Cadbury chocolate factories are like down there in Oz, remember? I filled my M.C. Hammer pants pockets full with it during a tour.......Oh, God! Did I just say that out loud? Do you think there's a Statute of Limitations on chocolate theivery? You're setting yourself up, girl!!! So, I hear the bush fires are getting pretty ugly this summer. Is Adelaide dodging them so far? God, I miss that city. I really do.......hope you are safe and sound. The hats are just a skein of Noro each. Really simple and fast. The pink is for one of my oboe colleagues I played with this weekend.

Here is a little link my buddy sent me today. I'm looking at the fuschia myself......


Blogger Lorraine said...

You played with "HERMANS HERMITS"?? I'm a closet Noonatic myself!
And the eleventh commandment says "Thou shalt eat as much chocolate as one can fit into one's pockets at the factory".

So there.

15/1/07 15:09  
Blogger Marina said...

My eyes! I shouldn't have clicked! I live a sheltered life and I really didn't have to know what you do down there ;-) Oh for goodness sakes, I'm going to be wondering what colour every woman I meet picked!

Chocolate is a food group all by itself. 'Nuff said!

15/1/07 15:25  
Blogger Tigers said...

Shoot, I forgot I'm supposed to not eat so much chocky. Must remind myself that chocolate is not suitable for breakfast.
But we all know resolutions are meant to be broken right? I just made an easy one to break.

The bushfires are mainly in the hills area and countrysides so we are safe here in metropolitan Adelaide.

Aah, Noro - I was guessing Karaoke as the colours are similar.

Definitely the pink if you're gonna do it you may as well choose something um, different.

16/1/07 14:45  

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