Where in the hell?????
Have I been? Again? Have a look for yourself. I have so much to tell you.
I spent a little time in Honolulu, Hawaii. Ahhhh, the sun, the sand......the breezes, the ocean, rainbows....a beautiful place. This was the fourth or fifth time for me, but it has been a while. We actually lived there when I was a little girl, but I don't remember much. Hell, I don't remember much now........ heh heh It was hard to come home. Back to real life and work issues.......Do any of you get depressed after a vacation, or is it just me?
I tried to find a knitting store there and took a long walk in the direction of the place I found in the yellow pages.........I ended up sunburned in crack alley...........oh yeah. Why I do not call first, I do not know. The right address looked like a massage parlor and those guys out front weren't selling leis.........heh heh
I met a Hawaiian soldier returning to Ft. Leonard Wood to start school after a couple of tours in Iraq. We talked for a few minutes in the LAX airport and he showed me some pics he took in Iraq. Stunning pictures. Pictures that make you think and pictures that really tell the truth about what is happenening over there. I will blame it on lack of sleep....but all I could ask was "Was it hard over there?" As soon as it was out I felt like an idiot. Of course it was hard.......dumbass. He nodded his head and I saw the pain and remembrance in his eyes that you don't usually see in such a young person. To meet one of these men makes the war so much more personal for those of us who may not live near bases or have daily contact with those who are fighting this war. Thanks Adam from Hawaii, for sharing a little of your story with me. I enjoyed meeting you.
Speaking of soldiers...Chuck, I hope you are doing well now that you are home!!! :0) I got word that your box was returned from Socks For Soldiers...so it looks like the new chaplain didn't get it. It's too bad, but I am sure that the owner of the group will see thaat she gets some out there somehow.
Oh crap! looks like we are under a tornado warning........GEEEEZ! Gotta love Texas. It is thundering and lightening..perhaps a little hail coming.........and I should probably turn off the Mac...but what the hell? Yikes...getting very dark and loud outside.
I had a birthday. No, I won't tell. Don't ask. ;0) Here is the honored guest, Captain Underpants, in his tighty whities. I found him passed out on the back porch after the party. I thought he was getting a little heavy on the vodka.
I took some knitting with me on vacation, but didn't get a lot done. I did get some work done before I left, however. Here is the Season of Darkness and Winter Light out of the Norsk strikkedesign book. About half way done on the second half. Much slowere than anticipated....but when ISN'T it?? Uhhh...this storm is really getting bad. Pics later. Better get off of here and shut it down!!!!
Glad you had a good time. I'd love to go there sometime. Happy Birthday! (even if you won't tell)
Also hope you're getting through the storms ok - the first line of storms went through my area about an hour ago but looks like there's more to come.
Hey! It's about time you posted again! ;)
Happy birthday. :)
Happy Birthday!
Hope everything is OK there as I just heard the news about the tornado.
Beautiful rianbow.
Yes, it can be a little deflating to return from holiday!
Happy belated birthday! Looks like you have been having a great time. Hope to see you in Joan's sock class on May 5th!
Welcome home, I so glad you had a good holiday! Mmmm...Hawaii... just a dream for someone so far from it.
And Happy Belated Birthday...
Looks awesome! I had been wondering what happened to you.
I hope the tornado missed you! I HATE tornados.
Happy Belated Birthday!
Wow, it looks like you've been busy!
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