Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Finished stuff and not so finished stuff.



These have been on the needles so long I don't even remember start dates.. Ooops. But they are done now...just in time for 103 degrees today. Whew! I was afraid my feet might get cold.

I am also working on a couple of quilted presents now. One group goes to Germany (can't divulge any more info than this) and one for my mom... of which you have already seen the beginnings. I think I best not post any more pics here now lest she see them. ;0) I am dying to post them, tho.....I may just keep them on Flickr for now, so if you are on Rav you know how to find that. Sorry Mom. :0D But the top is almost finished and now begins border fun. Frame or flying geese? One yellow or many yellows? Decisions decisions.....

And this little guy is a Mockingbird that comes and knocks on my studio windows every now and then. I give him water

......I am so trained by birds. Especially this one.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have got Kilt Hose on The Brain. I am feeling a certain kinship with your webpage today... nice cablework ! Inspiration indeed !

14/7/11 06:44  
Anonymous Carrie#K said...

Pretty bird! Pretty bird! Training you to get some company, eh?

Those Bayerische socks are beautiful!! I've had my eye on that pattern for ages.

And now I'm off to see the SECRET project! I won't taunt your Mom. :)

14/7/11 17:03  

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