Thursday, July 29, 2010

I am obsessed with quilting right now. This is a new quilt I have started working on this summer. The top is now sewn but I still need to add borders. I can hardly get anything else done right now. ;0)

And of course, there is always a lot of sleeping going on around here....unfortunately it isn't me!


Anonymous Carrie #K said...

The quilt is beautiful!!

At least those in charge of doing all the sleeping are doing it well.

29/7/10 12:01  
Blogger life ldc said...

Love the quilt! Don't you just love (hate) it when something grabs this strongly....everything else just seems to be so boring LOL!!!

Gorgeous colours in your quilt -- they are my kind of colours.

Cat's have the life don't they?

29/7/10 12:53  
Blogger sillyewe said...

hahahah Oh man, these cats have it TOTALLY made. This is just Fritz......Mia hides when she sleeps. I think her snoring embarrasses her...........

29/7/10 13:38  
Blogger Christine said...

I'm taking a quilting class next weekend--can't wait to see what all the excitement is about!

29/7/10 23:57  
Blogger Lorraine said...

I've been working slowly on a quilt- yours is stunning.

I'd be tempted to lay down with that cat.

2/8/10 07:09  

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